Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Un-Presidential Mr. Trump

I REALLY don't like talking politics with anyone but my family but honestly, I know many people who like Trump & I just want to gently pose this question: why would anyone want to vote for any person who is so egotistical & manipulative? There's a reason why studying history is important. We can observe patterns & learn how to prevent negative ones by paying attention to those who have been a part of such patterns throughout history. 

No candidate is perfect & each one has his/her flaws. But I'm begging anyone reading this to not just listen to Trump's words that might appeal to your frustrations & wishes, but pay attention to his character & to the character of EVERY candidate. It's no secret that I dislike the guy. But my reasons aren't just because he's boorish, uncouth, bigoted, extreme, rude, a bully & a flat out un-presidential sort of individual. I am concerned greatly about his character, his manipulative tendencies & his personal agenda (we all know his national agenda is to "make America great again" yada yada). He is a master manipulator. Look how he manipulates the media! He can avoid the next debate & still get plenty of media attention in spite of it because he's going to hold his own rally on the SAME DAY as the debate, under the guise of helping veterans. 

Folks, vote how you will, but for the love of everything decent, don't vote without thoroughly checking out EACH candidate & exploring their character. This job is the most important job in the world because the U.S. is the most powerful nation in the world & the President is the leader of the most powerful nation. Why oh why would anyone give such a position of power & leadership over to ANYONE without thoroughly checking out their agenda, their detailed plans for HOW they will "make America great again", their character & their qualifications to lead such a powerful nation? This is not something to take lightly & yet millions of Americans are hailing Trump the same way that millions heiled Hitler! I promise you, no offense is intended to Germany at all -- it isn't that nation's fault that Hitler was also a master manipulator & fooled a lot of people before it was too late for anyone to see just how dangerous a man he was. He too made promises & grandiose statements of what wonderful things he hoped to accomplish. And for the record, I'm not comparing Trump to Hitler. I'm only saying that like Hitler, Trump is becoming so rapidly popular by the thousands, due to his over-the-top personality, his statements that appeal to what people are feeling & thinking & he is also one who acts as if he thinks the rules of proper conduct don't apply to him. 

All I'm saying here folks, is that I too don't like the shape America is in & I too want change. I too like when a candidate speaks to my concerns & addresses them in a confident, self-assured manner that says he or she can get the job done. But I don't care if the candidate is the most conservative of Christians who appeals to everything I stand for -- I'm not going to trust nor support ANY candidate, let alone vote for them, until I have thoroughly researched that candidate's plans, agenda, & character first. I could care less about personalities as long as the other things I mentioned meet what I consider acceptable. 

Photo: via email
But history's important. And history shows bad things happening to countries that get caught up in the emotion & that support anyone who seeks power through extreme manipulation & coercion, & that support someone who is arrogant enough to think the nation can't get by without them. It's coercion to force attention to be diverted from the other candidates onto your own candidacy by playing manipulative games NOT intended for the greater good, but rather to further your own agenda. It's very self-serving & arrogant to state that the network hosting the next debate can't have good ratings without you & then to set about gaining attention for yourself by taking it away from the other candidates. America is a democracy & as such, EVERY candidate has the right to be heard & considered. It's a dangerous person who seeks to prevent the nation's citizens from listening to ALL points of  view by manipulating the media to train their focus on you above all others when you pull a power play designed to get the bulk of the attention. Can nobody SEE this? Are people so eager to find a candidate to change things that they will allow anyone with power & influence to come in & steal the election without checking out that candidate's agenda & character first? 

I have two Republican candidates I like the most & even I wouldn't support either of them until I feel confident that they pass all my tests of character, integrity, honor & a sincere desire to promote the nation's best interests above their own. No candidate has passed my tests -- yet.....not even my favorites. That's because I don't rush to emotion when I cast my vote. I do my research first. The future of our country is at stake, people. Do your research before voting for ANY candidate!!! And let the reminders of history be a part of that research!

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