Saturday, May 13, 2017

Sweet Maggie's Cloud

My family's Maggie girl died 2 years ago & when she died, a part of my soul died with her...such was our bond. I don't mean this as judgment, but as being sincerely baffled when I say that I have never understood people who view animals not as living beings, but as "just a dog/cat etc". Animals are not here on earth to serve us. Although we can surely have a symbiotic relationship with them where they help us & we help them, they have the right to exist & enjoy the life they were given just as much as we do. Lesser intelligence does not equate to lesser right to life. This isn't a "don't eat meat" post. I respect people's rights to choose their food.
I'm merely saying that pets are not our property, as if they are inanimate objects. They are not our toys or playthings whose sole purpose is to amuse or entertain us, although they can certainly do both. They are not our decorations that we have just because they are cute or fluffy. We can buy a decorative pillow. If you only want a dog or cat so you can have something soft to cuddle, buy a blanket. 
Although dogs can make great alarm systems (or alarm clocks, as in our case) & be protective (oh my goodness, our Penny could alarm the whole neighborhood!), that is not their sole reason for existence. Dogs especially, are pack animals who feel lonely & sad when left alone outside, day & night. They are wired for companionship & a need for "family". To subject them to a life of solitude is cruel indeed. Our pets feel pain, fear, betrayal & sadness. They also feel joy, mischievousness, trust & love & they are UNCONDITIONALLY loving. Truly, I like animals better than people. They're nicer.
All that said, so many have lost a beloved fur baby, or they know someone who has...or they fear that possibility. For those this applies to, God bless you! You get it! A few days after Maggie died, I was standing on our front porch for fresh air & sunshine. I love the sky & the beauty often created by God's brush strokes in the clouds. I happened to look up & I couldn't take my eyes off of a particular cloud formation directly over our roof. It was Maggie! There was no mistaking the white patches of fur surrounding her brown eyes & black nose, nor her little folded ears & the other ear blowing backward in the wind. In that very moment, I knew that she was ok. God painted the clouds that way to give me comfort that she lives on & is happy, over that Rainbow Bridge. 

Photo: Cari Kissel
To the right, is a photo of her on the left & her cloud on the right. It is my hope that it may bring comfort for those who may need it. It's so hard to lose a pet we love. The Bible talks about how God knows when the sparrow falls & how in God's kingdom, the lion & the lamb will lie down together. If we love our pets, how much more God does, because He created them & infused them with all their awesomeness. Hard to say goodbye, but it's really just "see ya later". I believe they are ok...better than ok even. Hopefully this post brings comfort to someone.

 **Have an opinion about this post? I would truly appreciate your feedback in the comment section below, or in the confidential feedback form on this page. Please keep all comments respectful & tasteful**     

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