Monday, July 29, 2013

Enough Already!!!

What once was right, is now what's wrong,
And what was wrong, is right.
And those who love God must try to stay strong,
For freedom of religion is no longer their right.

For if they practice their faith & hold true to their heart
They are labeled as bigots, & set far apart.
Set apart from the mainstream, whose direction flows with the tide...
Whichever direction the tide flows, that's the direction they ride.

But we shall hold to our faith, though the cost will be great
And as we stand up for what's right, we will be treated with hate
For right is now wrong, & wrong is now right
As people go where the tide goes, & the tide has veered from the Light.

Everything is messed up, & the world is chaotic.
Schools expel innocent children for reasons idiotic. 
For bringing a bubble gun to school is a "terrorist threat",
We must watch out for 5-yr-olds, since they're the most dangerous ones yet!

And why are children having babies, that they can't possibly support,
And they're given the option to give birth or abort?
Once upon a time, they didn't have such a choice, 
And before they had sex, they actually had to think twice!

Why can a doctor not fix a child's broken arm
Unless the parent has given their consent on a form?
Yet those same parents don't have the right to say no,
When a daughter has an abortion, without their say-so.

When a father loves his children & wants to be their Dad,
A mother may turn her children against him, & claim he is bad.
And the daughter will grow up jaded, & not trusting men,
As her brother misses his father's example, for how to be a man. 

And how about our freedoms - you know, those rights we all possess?
We have to be so careful now, because everything's a mess.
We have the freedom to speak our mind, yet when we do, we pay -
Because we can be fired, sued or ostracized, for anything we say.

Let's not hurt anybody's feelings, let's not go against the tide.
Let's make sure we're not intolerant, while our own rights are denied.
It's now okay to label others, as bigoted, intolerant fools,
While being intolerant to those same people, & living by different rules.

Let's not forget that discipline, can make a child sad,
And parents must be careful, that they don't make their children mad.
Who's calling the shots these days? Who's making all the rules?
It makes a person wonder, why we have violence in the schools.

What defines a family? Oh yes, this is open to debate...
If love is a right for ALL of us, why say so with so much hate?
For many who stand on either side, have tried to do so with respect,
While facing incredible hate & persecution, disrespect & even threats.

A child needs a mother AND a father, but in the absence of either or,
If a child is in a loving home, what more could one ask for?
Those who hate & mistreat others, in their quest to push their cause,
Are not worthy to parent children, for they've broken true love's laws.

Now what's with all the violence, that's in this world today?
One used to fear the dead of night, & now we fear the day.
For people are so crazy, & evil rules the world
And there are those who will kill a person, over a stupid insult hurled.

The world is plenty big enough, to hold all those alive
But there are those who seek to dominate, & to bully & deprive.
So we don't all share the same beliefs, & our cultures, they will vary.
But we can learn from our diversity, we can accept & not be wary. 

But the world is badly broken, & the wrong now rules the right
And the things that rarely happened, are now a common sight.
For to stand up for sense & reason, & for righteousness & good
Is to be labeled as intolerant, & to be misunderstood.

We don't have to agree on everything; we don't have to believe the same.
But we share this world we live in, & it would be an awful shame,
If we can't just work together, to make this world a better place,
By taking back our common sense, & saving our human race.

It starts with saying no, to the wrong that demands its way,
And by redefining the word "intolerant", to mean that evil cannot stay.
We should toughen up our feelings, & stop finding offense in what is said
And stop whining & complaining, & practice gratitude instead.

It continues with protecting the freedoms, that Americans hold so dear,
Which includes the freedom of religion, & to speak freely, without fear.
It means that private institutions, should not be punished for their stance,
For many are forced to go against their beliefs, in the name of tolerance.

To truly have religious freedom, no one should be forced to conform, 
And be made to go against their beliefs, just because it's become the norm.
You don't go to a into a barbershop, & demand they paint your nails
Just because some other barbers do it, & for them it increases sales.

You don't go to a doctor, & demand he cut your hair,
Just because some doctors do it, & it's becoming popular everywhere.
Neither should you force, an organization to go against its core, 
By demanding that it contradict, the values it stands for.

Bullies will say "If you don't do this, then I'll do that, & you'd better do the thing I say"
But they seem to fail to realize, this is extortion in every way.
For they are using coercion, to force others to do what they demand,
And they forget that religious freedom, is still recognized in this land.

So here's the thing I pray for, if there's any hope for our great nation:
And I'm speaking to every one of us, every race, & occupation.
We need to stop with the complaining, & toughen up our hide.
And when someone offends or hurts us, just shake it off in stride.

We need to stop coercing others, to accept our beliefs & way
And threatening to withdraw support, if they don't do the things we say.
It's okay if we are different, & if we don't see eye to eye.
But those differences can unite us, if we'd only give it a try.

If we take a stand on something, let it be for what we feel.
If we're just mimicking the views of others, then our views aren't even real.
When we expect tolerance & acceptance, & demand it as a rule,
Then we'd better give it in return, or else be viewed a fool.

When we see someone in trouble, or even doing something bad,
Let's go ahead & "get involved", whether or not it makes them mad.
For we're standing up for what is right, & we're trying to right a wrong,
And when we stand up for noble principles, then that's how we'll stay strong.

So when right is wrong & wrong is right, & the world is such a mess,
Let's not be afraid to take up the fight & stand for righteousness.
Let's not bow down to pressure, of those who demand their way,
And let's all listen to each other, & what we have to say.

For we don't have to agree on everything, & that is truly fine...
As long as we're respectful, & we promise to be kind.
For life's too short & precious, to waste on craziness,
So let's come together united, to clean up this awful mess! 

© 2013 Cari Kissel

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