Thursday, September 17, 2015

Oh the Things Republicans Will Do

An interesting thing happened on the way to the White House. A boorish, loud-mouthed individual entered the ring & decided to try his hand at running for President of the United States of America. No, I'm not referring to Kanye West. Let's talk instead about Donald Trump. Mr. Trump has surely made following the presidential campaign race quite a spectacle to behold. From insults, to name-calling, to snide innuendos & highly offensive comments, this billionaire-turned-candidate has certainly spiced up the Republican Party's race for President.

It's far too early to know who I hope will receive the Republican nomination, but I have to say that I like the guy. Here's why:

1. He is NOT politically correct. He has no filter & spews the first thought that comes to his head. Americans are tired of political correctness & of having to worry about offending everyone with what we say. Careers & reputations have been ruined by political correctness run it's refreshing to see a candidate that speaks his mind, however rudely....& delivers the message that so many Americans are thinking but nobody wants to say.

2. He's filthy, stinking rich. Usually, I would not cite that as a redeeming quality for a candidate because wealthier candidates have a financial edge over those with less campaign funds to spend. Normally I would find this inequity in finances to be unfair & would say that there should be a cap on how much campaign spending is allowed, in order to ensure that every candidate has an equal chance to get out there & campaign without being limited by finances. BUT....the Donald has absolutely nothing to lose BECAUSE he has so much money at his disposal. He is not swayed by special interest groups that promise campaign funding if he agrees to their terms. In fact, he turned down a very hefty donation because of the strings attached, while accepting the very modest donation of a woman who had little to give yet wanted to give it to this man's campaign. He didn't need her donation. Him accepting it speaks volumes.

3. As of this writing, Donald Trump has yet to cite specifics about how he intends to implement his plans if he is elected President. He speaks in broad terms, in an apparent attempt to sway the American voters with his charisma & self-confidence (which are both good traits to have), but unless he provides some concrete details of HOW he is going to achieve his goals, his charisma & broad way of speaking could be his undoing as the race moves along. 

BUT......he has provided such bold & unorthodox ideas & in such a charismatic way, that his rhetoric & tone, by the sheer shock value of it all, has awakened the Republican Party, & has shaken out some of the cobwebs that have got so many politicians in Washington all tangled up. Let's face it, the Republican Party needed this to happen. They have behaved disgracefully through their infighting, lack of cooperation to get stuff done, & by their lack of initiative to bring about truly productive change in this country. I'm a Republican, so this is not easy to say. The Donald got the attention of the Republican Party & the nation & there is a shakedown going on. Candidates were coming out of the woodwork for the chance to bring about change in Washington. Mr. Trump helped to light a fire under their collective butts, by at the very least, shocking them into reality & finally getting down to business!! This is good.


Although it's far too early to decide on a candidate to vote for, with each candidate's speech, interview, sound byte, or debate performance, we as Americans are getting the chance to get to know each of them better....certainly better than the biased media wants us to see. For awhile there, it looked as though there would be enough Republican candidates to form a full roster baseball team. With candidates joining the race in record numbers like people standing in line for a Willy Wonka chocolate bar & a chance at the coveted Golden Ticket, three of whom were not even politicians, it seemed like a joke. 

But then Trump opened up his big, boorish mouth & that's when the tide turned. Outrage turned into appreciation. Appreciation for someone who actually says what many Americans are thinking, turned into hope. Hope for a brighter & stronger America turned into action. Action upon the part of the candidates turned into some serious butt-kicking drive to take America back from those who have granted rights to some while taking away the Constitutional rights of others. Our nation has become fodder for those who want to insult & degrade. Our standing in the world community is pathetic. Our nation, once known as a country not to be trifled with, is now the target of ridicule, hatred & violence, more so than ever. And what do we do to those who wish us harm? We apologize to them because we have offended them! Really???? And we negotiate with terrorists!! How dumb is that?!!  

I've got no clue who will win the Republican nomination, but one thing I am absolutely sure about is this:

The United States of America is STILL the strongest, mightiest nation on earth. We STILL have the most open-door policy on immigration around & guarantee the most personal freedoms overall. Do we have problems? Oh man yes! That's why it's such a blessing that our Founding Fathers set up our nation with THREE branches of government (although apparently the Supreme Court likes to think that it is not only the Judiciary branch of the Federal government, but it is the Legislative branch as well). That's why it's a blessing that the President is limited to only two terms in office & why politicians must be elected through the vote of the people who are being governed. We the people have the right to change what we don't like. And right now, there are plenty of things that Americans don't like. 

My personal candidate favorites so far are in order: Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Donald Trump & Carly Fiorina. Of course I'm sure my favorites will change. They already have. It's still early. But I've got to hand it to Donald Trump for shaking things up. Whether or not he gets elected as President of the United States, his motto of "Make America Great Again" will indeed happen, if any one of these Republican candidates gets elected.

*These are my personal views. I am not interested in debating my views. We are all free to disagree, even those who may live in a country where such freedoms do not exist. Such people can still freely think their views, even if they cannot speak them.

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