Thursday, August 22, 2013

Common Sense

This is a post on common sense. You know, that thing that people are equipped with but so often forget to use? Common sense is like one of those 10-in-one gadgets that does a hundred different things with one device. It comes in handy to have, & if one doesn't use it, they can still accomplish their goal, but they might make a mess in the process.

The first item on the menu is the appetizer. The little snack, to satiate those hunger pangs until the main course arrives.
When trying to navigate through life, people are searching for the right road to walk on (yes, walk - not drive....walking's good for you, so work with me here). From learning cause & effect in early childhood, to choosing the right friends down the road, to making a life-changing decision, it helps to have the right attitude. Some roads are bumpy, while others are smooth. Some roads have hair-raising turns, while others will lead a person right off a cliff. Still other roads will take a person to a flowering meadow & to the good & easy life. Whatever the road you're on, if you don't have the right gadget thing-a-ma-jiggie, you'll still get there, but will you be in one piece? It helps to have the right attitude. Are you a "glass is half full" type of person who sees opportunity & something to be thankful for no matter what is going on around you, or are you a "doom & gloom" individual who could be sitting there with a million dollars in your lap, & would complain that the bills are wrinkled? Attitude. That's the appetizer to this meal.

Well you're going to have to wash down your meal with a beverage, because sometimes the meal gets to be a bit spicy, or perhaps it's a little dry & it leaves you choking. Make sure the beverage satisfies your thirst but doesn't leave you drunk. When walking through life, it helps to be able to have the presence of mind to make the right choices, without trying to find ways to escape what awaits you, by sticking your head in the sand like an ostrich & pretending that whatever you face isn't there if you don't see it.

When the waiter has brought your meal & you have your plate right in front of you, you can choose to eat your side dishes or your main dish first, or you may want to sample a bite or two of each, in no particular order. I like to think of the main dish as the general course a person's life is heading toward. One can eat different dishes in the course of their life, but when faced with the plate they've been given, it's a good idea to know how you're going to eat it. Will you wait for the entree to cool down, or will you strike while the iron is hot? If you eat it while it's hot, you might burn your tongue, but you won't lose the opportunity before you, if someone comes along & grabs your plate. Then again, sometimes it's best to eat the side dishes first, & then partake of the main dish when the temperature's just right. Some people just want to take their time & savor every bite. However you eat what's been put on your plate, you are the one who gets to decide what to do with it & how you are going to do it. You may not always like what you've been served, but you are the one who chooses what to do with it.

While taking a look at that plate, you can see the foods that complement the main dish. Do you have a lot of fat & calories loaded on your plate, that may not actually be good for you? You know, toxic relationships, people or situations that are bad for you & weighing you down...clogging those arteries? You can take those items off your plate or consume them. It's up to you. Or do you have a lot of fiber-rich foods to keep things flowing smoothly in those pipes of yours? Remember that whether or not you get indigestion later, depends on the types of food you allow on your plate. Whatever you eat, make it healthy, & no matter what entree you are served, you'll have the energy & ability to digest it!

Finally, we come to the dessert!! This is the best part! This is the part that comes after the meal is over. Sometimes we're too full for dessert, & that's okay, so long as the meal was enjoyable. Sometimes however, we still have room for more, so we might as well enjoy it. This is where we can enjoy the fruits of our labors, & savor the sweet reward that comes after navigating the often rough highways of life. 

So now that I'm a bit hungry, I will close this post by saying that whatever it is that is put upon our plate, we have the choice in how we will handle it. We don't have to get heartburn or clogged arteries, & it's okay to even take some of the food off our plate if it doesn't sit well with us. Sometimes we have to remove people from our lives who bring us only pain. That's called taking care of oneself. Sometimes the food on the plate is a little bland & we need to add some seasoning. That's okay too. The important thing to remember is to use your common sense. We all have it. Some just forget how to use this all-in-one gadget. The best way to make the most of that tool is to have a good attitude, surround yourself with people who won't pull you down & situations that won't distract you from your goals. If the plate before you tastes bad, then make adjustments so that you can finish the meal. The reward comes with the dessert. No matter what is on your plate, what follows the meal will be delicious if you use the common sense we are all born with.

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