Sunday, August 18, 2013

Her Halo's Too Small

Her wings are too small for her shoulders.
She can't get her feet off the ground.
Her halo's too small for her head - 
It's not big enough to fit 'round!

She's swelled up with a false sense of justice
That everything she does is so right.
She's sure that it's we who need healing,
Yet she can't see the dark from the light!

She's quick to point fingers at others
Who don't fit the standards she's set.
She claims that she judges no one,
But no one's seen proof of that yet!

She doesn't approve of our habits.
We offend her with things that we say.
She can't accept that we're human,
But she'll pray for us each new day.

She thinks that we're somehow less holy
If we're not all sugar and spice.
If we tease, play and joke with each other -
We're told that we're not very nice.

If our friends don't know our sweet Saviour,
If the movies we see are PG - 
If we debate or have an opinion,
We are less pure-hearted than she.

She knows that we reach out to others
And we're there to lend a hand.
We don't ask if someone is worthy - 
We're not here to take a stand.

We're here to love our dear Jesus
By meeting people right where they are.
We're not here to preach from our church pews,
While we claim to love others from afar.

May our wings not be too small for our shoulders.
May we not hide our heads in the sand.
May we not lose sight of God's goodness,
But be guided by His loving hand!

© Cari Kissel 1995

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